Audiology Service

Hearing and Hearing Test

Hearing is the ability to process sounds. For this function to work properly, the brain and the ears are required to work together. Hearing evaluations can help to determine if these two organs are functioning correctly for processing sounds. If a patient is having difficulty hearing, hearing evaluations can aid in verifying if the hearing loss is a permanent issue or if it is a medically treatable issue. To fully understand this process, it is important to understand how these organs interact for hearing…

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Hearing Loss

Hearing loss does not discriminate. It can affect anyone at any age. It is the third most common health problem in the United States and according to the National Institute on Deafness, it affects approximately 37.5 million people…

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Hearing Aids

Our audiologists have the expertise and experience to find the precise instruments for your hearing needs. We offer state of the art digital technology from a variety of hearing aid manufactures which include GN Resound™, Phonak™, Widex™, Oticon™ and many more…

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Tinnitus Management

Tinnitus is described as an irritating buzzing, humming or ringing in the ears. What many don’t realize is that it is usually a symptom of a greater problem rather than a disease itself. The first step to tinnitus management is to diagnose the underlying issue. Some common causes of tinnitus include impacted wax in the…

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Vestibular and Balance Disorders

A balance disorder is a condition that causes the sensation of dizziness or unsteadiness. It may cause a person to feel like they are spinning, floating or moving when they are lying down, sitting, standing or walking. The part of the inner ear that is responsible for our balance is called the vestibular system…

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