Nose & Sinus


Allergies, or allergic diseases, refer to the immune system’s hypersensitivity to something in one’s environment. Some allergies include hay fever, food allergies, dermatitis, allergic asthma and anaphylaxis. Allergy symptoms include itchy eyes, swelling, rash, runny or stuffy nose, shortness of breath and itchy or plugged ears. Common allergens are pollens, grasses, molds, dust mites and pets.

There are several treatment options for people with allergies. The first is avoidance of the offending allergen. Additionally, there are multiple symptomatic treatments with over the counter medicines. Another effective, treatment option is allergen immunotherapy via shots or drops. The idea behind immunotherapy is that by continually introducing an allergen to the patient’s body, they will eventually develop an immunity, curing their allergies.


Hay Fever

Allergic rhinitis, also called hay fever, is inflammation due to airborne allergens. Symptoms are usually concentrated around the face and include runny nose, red itchy eyes and sneezing. Hay fever symptoms typically occur when someone is exposed to pollen or grass seed allergens. In most cases, hay fever is seasonal and only occurs during the spring and summer. Treatment options include over-the-counter medications and immunotherapy.


Medical Therapy

Medical therapy to treat allergies typically takes two forms: subcutaneous immunotherapy and sublingual immunotherapy. The science behind the two methods is the same – expose the patient to allergens regularly so that the immune system can develop a tolerance. After an average of three to five years of immunotherapy, allergy symptoms begin to disappear. The difference between the two is how they are administered; subcutaneous immunotherapy takes the form of shots and must be administered in a medical clinic, while sublingual immunotherapy involves tablets or droplets for the mouth that can be administered at home.

SLIT (Sublingual Immunotherapy)

Allergy drops, also known as sublingual immunotherapy, are a long-term treatment that decreases symptoms by increasing the body’s immunity. The patient drips liquid containing allergens under the tongue and holds it there for one to two minutes before swallowing. This is a more convenient option than allergy shots for many patients because allergy drops can be safely administered at home rather than at the doctor’s office.


Chronic Sinusitis

Sinusitis, is an infection of the sinus cavities – the small, air-filled pockets in the nose and forehead that produce mucus. It is usually preceded by a cold or an acute allergy attack.  It also can be caused by irritation secondary to environmental pollutants. It is a condition that interferes with the drainage of mucus into the nasal passages. This may cause painful buildup, nasal bleeding, or facial swelling. Symptoms of sinusitis include a runny nose, reduced sense of smell, pain or tenderness around the sinus area, nasal drainage and headaches. Unlike a cold or an allergy event, bacterial sinusitis requires a physician’s diagnosis and treatment with antibiotics. Doctors diagnose sinusitis based on reported symptoms and their duration. Chronic sinusitis is classified as inflammation that persists in one or more of the sinuses even after treatment or for more than 3 months.  It is generally caused by nasal problems that prevent normal, necessary drainage.


Medical Therapy

Acute sinusitis and chronic sinusitis can be treated with antibiotics, nasal sprays, steroids, painkillers, nasal washes, antihistamines and decongestant medications. However with chronic sinusitis, surgery may be necessary. Surgery should only be considered if medical therapy fails or there is a structural problem that cannot be corrected with medications.

Functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) and Ballon Sinuplasty are 2 procedures that can help the sinuses drain.  With FESS an endoscope is used to look into the nose and enable the surgeon to open the sinuses while removing diseased tissue.  Balloon sinuplasty is a less aggressive way to expand and dilate the openings of the sinuses. Both methods are used to improve drainage of the sinuses.

If left untreated, chronic sinusitis may spread to nearby areas such as the eyes, facial bones, blood and brain. Although sinusitis is more common in adults, children with sinusitis may also have complications. Call us today if you experience persisting symptoms of sinusitis.


Recurrent Sinusitis

Recurrent sinusitis is defined as recurring bouts of acute sinusitis. This means symptoms last less than 12 weeks but continue to return after days, weeks or months. Recurrent sinusitis can be caused by illnesses like the cold or flu or by abnormalities of the sinuses.


Nasal and Sinus Surgery


The septum is made up of bone and cartilage that separates the nostrils. A deviated septum is a condition in which the septum is crooked or off center. A person can be born with a deviated septum or it can be the result of nasal trauma. A deviated septum can cause difficulty breathing through the nose, nosebleeds, headaches, and may contribute to snoring. Surgery is required to correct this problem.

Deviated Septum

The septum is the bone and cartilage that separates the nostrils. A deviated septum is a condition in which the septum is significantly crooked or off center. In general, a person is born with a deviated septum, but sometimes it is caused by trauma or injury to the face. A deviated septum can cause difficulty breathing, nosebleeds, headache and snoring. Surgery is required to fix this condition.

Endoscopic Surgery

An endoscopy, also called endoscopic surgery, is a procedure in which the doctor operates on internal organs and vessels via natural body openings. Examples include bronchoscopy (lung procedure) and laryngoscopy (larynx, or voice box, procedure) wherein the doctor inserts a scope through the mouth or nose to operate.

Nasal Fracture

Since the nose protrudes from the face and is made of thin bone and cartilage, it’s no surprise that it is the most commonly broken facial bone. A broken nose is usually obvious due to bleeding, swelling, bruising on both the nose and around the eyes and visible caving of the nasal structure. It can also affect your ability to breathe. Minor breaks and nondisplaced fractures will heal on their own, but more severe breaks may require resetting and/or surgery.


Turbinoplasty is another type of nasal surgery. Turbinates are long, thin bones in the nose that direct airflow into the nasal cavity. Sometimes turbinates are large and block airflow, making it difficult to breathe. Turbinoplasty is a surgery wherein parts of the turbinates are removed to allow airflow. This procedure is recommended for those with chronically swollen turbinates.


Other Nose Conditions



Nosebleeds (epistaxis) are a common nasal condition that has many causes including dryness, inflammation, injury, high blood pressure and tumors. Treatment for nosebleeds depends on the underlying cause, which is determined by your doctor after an examination. Cauterization of the bleeding vessel is sometimes effective, however if the bleed is significant, sometimes nasal packing is necessary.

Nasal Irrigations

Nasal irrigation systems are devices to flush the nose or sinuses to remove mucus or debris and to relieve congestion . Neti® pots are the most common form of nasal irrigations, in which a warm salt water solution is poured into one nostril until it runs out the other. Saline nasal sprays are another form of nasal irrigation. Nasal irrigation is an effective addition to treatment for acute sinusitis and nasal congestion caused by colds and allergies.
